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Download Save Carbon today and track your Co2 saving efforts!
Be among the first on the planet to document and track your efforts to reduce Co2 emissions.

Get the app for free now, and get motivated to reduce your carbon footprint by completing fun challenges and competing against other people.
You gain experience points and level up by completing environmental friendly challenges. The Co2 you save by performing these activities, like riding a bike instead of using your car, is saved in the app, allowing you to get an overview of all the Co2 you have saved by making environmental friendly choices.
Save Co2 by completing fun daily, weekly and yearly challenges in multiple categories.
All the Co2 you save is tracked within the app, and is a testimony to your efforts to combat climate change.
When you complete a challenge you will receive a short, motivational message. And if you like to compete, there is a leader board where you can fight for a higher global and national ranking.
Be among the first on the planet to document and track your efforts to reduce Co2 emissions.